
Showing posts from March, 2023

Persona Dolls methodology in kindergarten to support well-being and good relations

As one of the Eco-School´s topics we are focusing this academic year is health and well-being, it is also important to pay attention to mental well-being and caring atmosphere.  Therefore, our group has since January been using Persona Dolls methodology. It is an approach that helps to prevent different forms of discrimination, foster emotional literacy and support the development of tolerance and self-confidence of young children. The themes and activities can be designed according to the age, needs and current issues of a certain group of children so that the situations presented by the dolls would be relevant to children´s prior experiences and they could relate with these. It is important that unlike solving a conflict between two or three children, the situations are discussed with the whole group being included and without the direct reference to any certain occasion or child. A boy doll named Iniko has been visiting the children every other week. First meetings were f...