Take a bus!
21stof September was the car-free day in Tartu. Therefor we decided to go on the first bus trip with our group of 3 – 4 year olds.
It was a good chance to discuss the advantages of taking a bus (compared to a car, it can seat more people at the same time), and appropriate behavior while riding in the bus. Before going on the bus we also discussed weather it is always possible to have a seat and that sometimes there might be someone else who needs the seat more. We got the perfect chance to practice social skills as an elderly woman with several bags entered the bus and two of our children freed their seats for her.
Children enjoyed looking outside and recognizing familiar places (“this is where I live”, “I have been here with mommy and daddy” etc.).
At the same time, taking a bus allows us to go to different playgrounds further away. Right after the bus trip, children started to ask when we are taking the bus again. By now we have done it for several times. We believe that taking a bus regularly helps children to form the understanding that using public transport can be a very useful, normal and fun part of life.
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