Box full of boxes

 In the Autumn our preschool group visited the neighboring Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences of the University of Tartu. We had a wonderful visit, we learned and saw a lot and made some new friends.

So, when the scientists working there had a lot of filter tip boxes they would not use anymore, and asked if we could have any use for them, we were jumping for joy!

Our preschool group took a short walk to our neighbors and came back with a big box full of boxes of different colors and sizes. 

What did we do with the boxes?

In preschool we each child has their own drawer, where they can keep their personal belongings. To keep their things organized, each child chose a box they liked the most. They wrote their name on it, decorated it with stickers and created a wonderful storage box for their pony tail holders, hair clips, lego pieces and all the other treasures they have.

Secondly we had a fun learning experience with organizing the boxes qua size and colors, counting them and finding out how high towers we can make by stacking them on top of each other. It was a lot of fun.

In kindergarten we do a lot of arts and crafts. Our closet is like a small wonderland with different beads and threads, stickers and sticks, feathers and buttons and so on and so on. It has been a challenge to keep them well organized, so one would find exactly what they were looking for. We found a wonderful use for the boxes and together with our preschoolers we organized our arts and crafts closet. We are very happy and proud of the result!

What did we learn?

We learned that one man's trash is another's treasure. 

We learned that it is nice to have our neighbors as friends.

We learned creative ways to reuse a plastic box.


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